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""Santa Clara Corvettes" meets Vette-Forum 29.09.07 ," Road House" Paderborn ! Anmeldeliste ! - Druckversion

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American friends on visit - fischi55 aka Vanah - 08.10.2007

Hi Andy, war richtig schön mit Euch , Grüß alle nochmals und setz mal ein paar Fotos ein
CU werner

- Porter - 09.10.2007

Zitat:.... man Corvettes auch bei Regen fahren kann
Aber nicht wirklich Heulen
Hatte danach Wasser im Tank und mußte auspumpen.

Freut mich aber, dass es Euch gut gefallen hat OK!
Dann ist auch die Emulsion im Tank egal Großes Grinsen , den man ja easy durch die grosse
Tankoeffnung der fruehen C3 auswischen kann.

Hope to see you all again ! Please, send our greets to the StClara Corvette-Friends !
Corvette animierte C4 , the international Language huldigen

Hallo-gruen , ......

- LS1-Holger - 09.10.2007

tröste dich Gerd, meine Seitenblinker stehen auch voll, Wasser ist drinn, will aber nicht mehr raus.

- helmut76 - 09.10.2007

ich hatte auch auf der Rückfahrt Wassereinbruch nur im linken Fußraum


- Corvette.ZR1 - 09.10.2007

Zitat:Wasser ist drinn, will aber nicht mehr raus

Ich bringe Donnerstag die Bohrmaschine mit Grübeln

- LS1-Holger - 09.10.2007

Zitat:Ich bringe Donnerstag die Bohrmaschine mit Grübeln
Teufel Teufel sich vor Lachen auf dem Boden wälzen

- 6TVette - 09.10.2007

Zitat:Wassereinbruch nur im linken Fußraum

Tröste Dich Helmut, bei mir war der Wassereinbruch nicht nur im Fußraum sondern überall wo Hohlräume sind. Zur Zeit trocknet meine Vette noch aus. Teufel

- hape - 09.10.2007

Schön das es Euch so gut gefallen hat !
Es war auch für uns eine tolle Begegnung und Veranstaltung !

Hoffe euch alle bald mal wieder zu sehen, auch in Form von Fotos auf eurer Web-site !?!? Feixen

Bis bald !!


ps. ... mein Fahrrad war auch ganz nass ! Feixen sich vor Lachen auf dem Boden wälzen sich vor Lachen auf dem Boden wälzen
aber dafür gerd und ich morgens komplett durchnässt ....

- Porter - 01.11.2007

Eine erste Nachricht der StClara-Reisenden hat Arno erhalten:

Zitat:Hi Arno,

We had a wonderful time in Germany. While we were in Germany the news letter for our club did not go out. Many of us have submitted an article for the November issue. we took so many pictures and many of them will be in the article as well. Sorry I took so long to reply to your message, I was out of State on company business, I work for AT&T and I had to go to St. Louis on a new job assignment. Once we receive the shirts we will send a picture to you. Please share this with the others in your club. I miss the food.

Here is what i wrote for the November issue:

Several of us were off to Germany for 2 weeks of fun filled events. We traveled in 2 mini vans and a Volvo station wagon from Berlin to Munich. While touring the country in our mini vans and a Volvo wagon we stopped for not only food and health breaks but to clean up poop too. Yes someone put his foot in the wrong place and we could not ride with the smell. So thanks to Linda who had the wipes and me for cleaning the carpet. I was not able to capture this on film, but someone else did. Once in Berlin we had a private bus tour of the city. Our bus tour took in many sites of the city such as, Brandenburg Gate, Victory Tower, a stature dedicated to Cadillac, high end shopping district, Sony entertainment center, Check point Charlie as well as the Berlin wall, and the first traffic light. After taking in more of Berlin we were off to Hamburg. Here we also took in the sights of Hamburg, met with the local club there. As we arrived at our hotel our hotel a Black Stingray greeted us in the driveway. Later on in the evening we met with the Hamburg Corvette for dinner and a walking tour of the city. While in Hamburg we also had a private walking tour of the city and a harbor boat tour. From here we were off to Castle Schloss Hotel Eringerfeld for a 2 night stay. This was a real castle, skeleton key and all. While in Lippstadt, we met the local corvette club at the Roadhouse. We had our own private tent and spent the afternoon getting to know one another. I was able to drive a 1989 C4 owned by Vanah on the autobahn. It was raining, but I felt I could not refuse such a nice offer. That was the highlight of the trip for me along with many other highlights. I could go on but I will let my pictures tell the rest of the story. I have a shot of Eric Brandt driving the Volvo on the Nuerburing, what a ride!!. Thank you to Andy and Margie for all the effort and hard work putting together the best personalized guided tour of Germany one could ask for.

Renee Kojak
Social Director 2007, 2002-2005

Zitat:Hello again,

Here are a fwe of the pictures i submitted for our newsletter which is on line. Take care and again we all had a great time and hope to return someday. If in the US conntact any of us and you too will have a wonderful time in the US.




- Porter - 01.11.2007
