repair cost?
hello all,.
I am currently on vacation ....and got a phone call from mannfred kubetschek at stingray corvettes...
I took my 92 LT1 automatic in two weeks ago WITH a rebuilt transmission in a crate, a NEW Meziere water pump, new alternator, a brand new set of polyeurethane bushings, and half the interior torn apart to reach the heater core (I also provided a brand new one). I had attempted to replace the heater core myself but ran out of time and patience as I had a vacation coming up that I didnt want to spoil and I wanted my car ready for this spring before heading out to Iraq in June.
I asked how many hours it would take for this work, and he estimated somewhere around 15 to 20 hours, at his rate of 50 euro per hour, and it would be ready in 10 days. 10 days later I visited and they were JUST starting to work on the heater core, and he said it would be ready the next evening, which I highly doubted. Next day he called me asking for more time. I granted him a FULL WEEK to get everything done since I was headed to Spain. I got the call today that its almost finished and I can pick it up friday afternoon after the suspension had been adjusted, which he outsourced to another shop. Fair enough since I had all the bushings replaced, right? He also mentioned the rebuilt tranny had minor problems that he would describe to me upon my arrival. He said the heater core gave the most problem because they had to take out most of the dash to reach it, which I am aware of, but did half the work for.
so when I asked what the final tally was, he said it took 92 hours, and that the charge without tax, if I provided a VAT form, would be 4800 Euro.
Does this sound right for work of this magnitude? a tranny replacement, heater core replacement, installation of an electric pump, alternator, and new set of bushings?
If anyone can inform me of my legal rights in regards to this situation it would be most appreciated. You can email me at I have called a german friend of mine to go with me to the shop this weekend so that he could be witness and read any forms or documentation. thanks
Hello Marc,
4800,- Euro without tax? 92 hours? This guy must be crazy!!! haarsträubend haarsträubend haarsträubend

If I understand right, you have provided all the parts and he just had to change/install them! For what the hell he needs 92 hours? Nearly 2 weeks with nonstop 8-hour work days!? Kopfschütteln A blind man with two left hands should can do this in much less time!!!

I can't tell you what your legal rights are, but don't pay this much money!!!
Maybe the KFZ-Schiedstelle can help you...

Good Luck
No one here gets out alive ... J.D.M.
yes rico, that is right, 92 hours to install parts that *I* provided because I had no time to do the work myself. I know that installing a transmission does not take much time. I expected maybe 30 hours at the most!
Hi Marc

do you have his estimate in writing or any witnesses for his statement ? That might help a lot !

[Bild: CSC-C3b-plastik.gif]
yes Marijn,
my friend who is a member of this forum, matze, from erlangen, was present when we were told that the work should take no more than 30 hours. matze also called and talked to mannfried when he told me it was 92 hours total. we are both going to visit the shop on friday.
If you had his guess on the level of a budget (Kostenvoranschlag) he should not override the cost by 10%.

Triple the cost is by no means resonable.
Hi Marc

with Manfred as witness that company should have barely a chance. If the repair costs exceed the estimate by that much, the company is required to notify you and aks for your OK !
[Bild: CSC-C3b-plastik.gif]
Zitat:I know that installing a transmission does not take much time. I expected maybe 30 hours at the most!

6 weeks ago I changed my tranny. We needed about six hours to do this job.

Gruß Reiner
Wer einen Engel sucht und dabei nur auf die Flügel schaut, könnte leicht eine Gans nach Hause bringen!          Engel-3
Hi Marc,

sorry to hear that.

Go to an official GM service and ask for their time need to do the work.

If there is no big difference to first estimates, Kubetschek needs good arguments to defend his position.

Keeping my fingers crossed.


[Bild: cf_sig_2009.jpg]
Es ist schade, dass nicht mehr das Erreichte zählt, sondern das Erzählte reicht!
Myself and Matze went today, and when I complained of the price he said the bushings took 43 hours to work on. He listed the heater core as 21 hours, the transmission as 8 hours, the water pump was 5 hours, the generator 2.5 hours. He then asked me if I would be happy with a bill of 4000 euros. I told him I will come back later in the week...

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