International Corvette & Camaro Reunion 2024
Moin Heinz,

ich bin seit 2007 bei allen Corvette-Club Italia Treffen mit dabei gewesen und nicht einmal "verloren" gegangen.
Normalerweise reicht es am Freitagabend zum Abendessen anwesend zu sein. Da wird das Programm erklärt.

Roadbooks wie wir es kennen, gibt es in Italien aber nicht, Deshalb nehme ich für die einzelen Ausfahrten einen GOOGLE-MAPS
Ausdruck mit, der ja aufgrund der Geodaten erstellt werden kann. Habe mich noch nie verfranzt oder bin nicht angekommen.

Also einfach anmelden, bezahlen und hinfahren!


P.S. Wirverbinden es immer mit einigen Tagen "Sonderurlaub"

18. Intern. Corvette-Club Pfingsttreffen vom 06.06.-09.06.2025 in Suhl.
(31.03.2024, 19:18)Phönix schrieb: Ein Hallo! an den Beitragersteller.

Schade das dieses Angebot so "Ungeordnet" ist, Gerne wäre ich dabei gewesen, somit kommt dieses nicht in Frage, mit freundlichem Gruß

Hi everyone,
in particular to Heinz who was so drastic in judging negatively the effort we put into this organization. I would like to remind those who don't know that for 25 years we have been organizing events with the results that everyone knows.
The detailed program in three languages even specifies the menus.
The deadline to register or possibly cancel your reservation is mentioned in the program and is April 30th!
There is no road map because, as always we have an organization that will guide the participants without anyone getting lost, IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED!
I even wrote a post warning of the new SPV (Superstrada Pedemontana Veneta) which will be connected directly to the A4 from next May 3rd etc.
I would have appreciated a more polite and respectful approach dear Heinz alias (Phoenix), which would have allowed me to give you an answer with a different tone.
Someone explain to Heinz that we closed the Club Corvette Italia in 2019 and that these reunions were born to maintain the friendships we have made in these two and a half decades.
Dear Heinz, despite everything I offer you my hand so that you can personally verify the solidity and seriousness of our organization, take part in the Reunion 2024, I will be happy to show you with what commitment and professionalism these things are done.
Thanks Friedel and Piero for trying to explain some things.
I wrote this response quickly and a little annoyed by the accusations so I apologize for my English and the tone that I don't usually use.
Thanks and warm regards to everyone.

Valter alias V-Power
Former Vice President Corvette & Camaro Club Italy
Dear friends, I remind you that this is the last month to register for our Reunion 2024. We are satisfied with the number of participants which includes old and new friends and also with the splendid and unique cars. As usual we have been careful to ensure that everything works perfectly, the program contains all the useful information, if you have any other needs you can still ask by sending an email to:
we will be happy to answer you.
See you soon.
I remind Italian and foreign friends who will arrive in Italy days before or who will extend their stay after our Reunion 2024, that they can take advantage of visiting the splendid locations shown in this link:

Important notice of changes to the program of our 2024 Reunion

We have managed, with a considerable effort, to have the exclusive availability of a new track which will be at our exclusive disposal all day on Saturday 1st June therefore, after the "Time Attack" test the track will be free for our members who wish to , in groups of 5 cars at a time further have fun.
Brunch served in the structure within the circuit.
This is the “Alle Cave Circuit" which is located in Via Levada, n. 24 in Vittorio Veneto (TV)
45° 57' 17.05" N
12° 19' 52.22" E
We are satisfied with the success of our Reunion 2024, a big thank you to all the participants who made this possible.
Thank you for the hospitality you give us every year on this Forum.


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