Problem nach Bremsflüssigkeitswechsel
Tom schrieb es ja schon. Ohne Tech 2 geht jetzt gar nichts mehr. Du hast dir Luft in den ABS Block gesaugt und die bekommst du ohne Tech 2 nicht vollständig raus. Selbst wenn sich wieder Bremsdruck aufbauen sollte wird immer noch etwas Luft im ABS Block sein. Im Service Manual gibt es die Anleitung wie es geht....

Normalerweise benötigt man den Tech 2 nicht zum BF wechsel. Lediglich wenn Luft in den ABS Block gelangt ist.

Daher beim BF wechsel immer penibel drauf achten das keine Luft ins System kommt. Egal ob über die Entlüftungsventile oder über den Ausgleichsbehälter....

Viele Grüße,

Das meine Bremsanlage innenseitig auch noch je eine Entlüftungsschraube (insg. 8 Stück) besitzt, muss man aber auch erst mal wissen Großes Grinsen

Also nachher mal den Wagen aufbocken, Räder ab und auf ein Neues.
Die Chance, dass im ABS doch keine Luft fest sitzt, ist somit zumindest noch vorhanden.

`02 Trans Am WS6 Collectors Edition 6-Speed
[Bild: 26030922ld.jpg]
I do the bad boy boogie... all over town YEAH ! [Bild: 768941_4.png]
Zitat:Original von Corvalex
Wutzer, dahinter verbirgt sich die einfache Anleitung: "die längsten Wege zuerst" Feixen


ja, das war früher bei den Einkreissystemen so richtig heute kann es aber durchaus in anderer Reihenfolge richtig sein.
Hallo Mike,
bin leider erst jetzt dazu gekommen.....

hier mal ein Auszug aus dem 04er Cadillac CTS Service Manual....

Zitat:Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Caution in the Preface section.

Notice: When adding fluid to the brake master cylinder reservoir, use only Delco Supreme 11®, GM P/N 12377967 (Canadian P/N 992667), or equivalent DOT-3 brake fluid from a clean, sealed brake fluid container. The use of any type of fluid other than the recommended type of brake fluid, may cause contamination which could result in damage to the internal rubber seals and/or rubber linings of hydraulic brake system components.

Notice: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and Electrical Components Notice in the Preface section.

Place a clean shop cloth beneath the brake master cylinder to prevent brake fluid spills.
With the ignition OFF and the brakes cool, apply the brakes 3-5 times, or until the brake pedal effort increases significantly, in order to deplete the brake booster power reserve.
If you have performed a brake master cylinder bench bleeding on this vehicle, or if you disconnected the brake pipes from the master cylinder, you must perform the following steps:
3.1. Ensure that the brake master cylinder reservoir is full to the maximum-fill level. If necessary, add Delco Supreme 11®, GM P/N 12377967 (Canadian P/N 992667), or equivalent DOT-3 brake fluid from a clean, sealed brake fluid container.

If removal of the reservoir cap and diaphragm is necessary, clean the outside of the reservoir on and around the cap prior to removal.

3.2. With the rear brake pipe installed securely to the master cylinder, loosen and separate the front brake pipe from the front port of the brake master cylinder.

3.3. Allow a small amount of brake fluid to gravity bleed from the open port of the master cylinder.

3.4. Reconnect the brake pipe to the master cylinder port and tighten securely.

3.5. Have an assistant slowly depress the brake pedal fully and maintain steady pressure on the pedal.

3.6. Loosen the same brake pipe to purge air from the open port of the master cylinder.

3.7. Tighten the brake pipe, then have the assistant slowly release the brake pedal.

3.8. Wait 15 seconds, then repeat steps 3.3-3.7 until all air is purged from the same port of the master cylinder.

3.9. With the front brake pipe installed securely to the master cylinder, after all air has been purged from the front port of the master cylinder, loosen and separate the rear brake pipe from the master cylinder, then repeat steps 3.3-3.8.

3.10. After completing the final master cylinder port bleeding procedure, ensure that both of the brake pipe-to-master cylinder fittings are properly tightened.

Fill the brake master cylinder reservoir with Delco Supreme 11®, GM P/N 12377967 (Canadian P/N 992667), or equivalent DOT-3 brake fluid from a clean, sealed brake fluid container. Ensure that the brake master cylinder reservoir remains at least half-full during this bleeding procedure. Add fluid as needed to maintain the proper level.
Clean the outside of the reservoir on and around the reservoir cap prior to removing the cap and diaphragm.

Install a proper box-end wrench onto the RIGHT REAR wheel hydraulic circuit, inboard (CTS-V), bleeder valve.
Install a transparent hose over the end of the bleeder valve.
Submerge the open end of the transparent hose into a transparent container partially filled with Delco Supreme 11®, GM P/N 12377967 (Canadian P/N 992667), or equivalent DOT-3 brake fluid from a clean, sealed brake fluid container.
Have an assistant slowly depress the brake pedal fully and maintain steady pressure on the pedal.
Loosen the bleeder valve to purge air from the wheel hydraulic circuit.
Tighten the bleeder valve, then have the assistant slowly release the brake pedal.
Wait 15 seconds, then repeat steps 8-10 until all air is purged from the same wheel hydraulic circuit.
For CTS-V models, repeat steps 5-11 for the outboard bleeder valve.
With the right rear wheel hydraulic circuit bleeder valve, or valves (CTS-V), tightened securely - after all air has been purged from the right rear hydraulic circuit - install a proper box-end wrench onto the LEFT FRONT wheel hydraulic circuit, inner (CTS-V), bleeder valve.
Install a transparent hose over the end of the bleeder valve, then repeat steps 7-11.
For CTS-V models, repeat steps 5-11 for the outboard bleeder valve.
With the left front wheel hydraulic circuit bleeder valve, or valves (CTS-V), tightened securely, after all air has been purged from the left front hydraulic circuit, install a proper box-end wrench onto the LEFT REAR wheel hydraulic circuit, inner (CTS-V), bleeder valve.
Install a transparent hose over the end of the bleeder valve, then repeat steps 7-11.
For CTS-V models, repeat steps 5-11 for the outboard bleeder valve.
With the left rear wheel hydraulic circuit bleeder valve, or valves (CTS-V), tightened securely, after all air has been purged from the left rear hydraulic circuit, install a proper box-end wrench onto the RIGHT FRONT wheel hydraulic circuit, inner (CTS-V), bleeder valve.
Install a transparent hose over the end of the bleeder valve, then repeat steps 7-11.
For CTS-V models, repeat steps 5-11 for the outboard bleeder valve.
After completing the final wheel hydraulic circuit bleeding procedure, ensure that each of the 4 wheel hydraulic circuit bleeder valves, or 8 bleeder valves (CTS-V), are properly tightened.
Fill the brake master cylinder reservoir to the maximum-fill level with Delco Supreme 11®, GM P/N 12377967 (Canadian P/N 992667), or equivalent DOT-3 brake fluid from a clean, sealed brake fluid container.
Slowly depress and release the brake pedal. Observe the feel of the brake pedal.
If the brake pedal feels spongy, repeat the bleeding procedure again. If the brake pedal still feels spongy after repeating the bleeding procedure, perform the following steps:
25.1. Inspect the brake system for external leaks. Refer to Brake System External Leak Inspection .

25.2. Pressure bleed the hydraulic brake system in order to purge any air that may still be trapped in the system.

Turn the ignition key ON, with the engine OFF. Check to see if the brake system warning lamp remains illuminated.
Important: DO NOT allow the vehicle to be driven until it is diagnosed and repaired.

If the brake system warning lamp remains illuminated. Refer to Symptoms - Hydraulic Brakes .

ach so....
Mike, wenn es Dir hilft kann ich Dir meinen TECH2 inkl. CANdi gerne zuschicken

So eine funktionierende Bremse ist doch herrlich Großes Grinsen

Also, nachdem bekannt wurde, dass ich 2 Entlüftungsschrauben pro Sattel (innen & außen) habe, glückte auch endlich das Entlüften total unproblematisch nach dieser Anleitung:

Gruß & vielen Dank !
`02 Trans Am WS6 Collectors Edition 6-Speed
[Bild: 26030922ld.jpg]
I do the bad boy boogie... all over town YEAH ! [Bild: 768941_4.png]
Zitat:Original von V8-Mike
Also, nachdem bekannt wurde, dass ich 2 Entlüftungsschrauben pro Sattel (innen & außen) habe, glückte auch endlich das Entlüften total unproblematisch nach dieser Anleitung:

Gruß & vielen Dank !

Bitteschön... Zwink
 ...1991 / 5.0 L-V8 TPI...343.000 km  Burnout
first engine, first tranny, first paint, owner since 1992 ...& - 2018 Crapmaro V8 LT1 AT8 (2SS/F55/NPP/Recaro) - 
[Bild: 2w6c413.jpg]
Heiner..... Ich glaub es nicht, ewig nichts mehr von Dir gehört Prost! Prost!

Hallo Graf Zahl

[Bild: 291783080_3da1443f0a.jpg]

Gruß vom Fierotom Zwinkern

Als ich vor ein paar Tagen in der Werkstatt am entlüften war, hat er mir den Link schon geschickt.
Allerdings ging er im Nachrichtenaustausch via Smartphone irgendwie unter und die vier zusätzlichen Entlüftungsschrauben blieben mir weiter unbekannt . . . bis zum erneuten Chat heute Mittag Großes Grinsen


Angehängte Dateien Thumbnail(s)
`02 Trans Am WS6 Collectors Edition 6-Speed
[Bild: 26030922ld.jpg]
I do the bad boy boogie... all over town YEAH ! [Bild: 768941_4.png]
Moin Tom... Prost!

...yoo....schon ne Weile her... Zwink

Viele Grüssle... Yeeah!

(tja...mein gut 9 Jahre alter Zero-Post Lese-Account hier ist nun doch quasi entjungfert...Zwink )
 ...1991 / 5.0 L-V8 TPI...343.000 km  Burnout
first engine, first tranny, first paint, owner since 1992 ...& - 2018 Crapmaro V8 LT1 AT8 (2SS/F55/NPP/Recaro) - 
[Bild: 2w6c413.jpg]

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