Und hier die Antwort ... klingt doch vielversprechend?!
Thank you for using the XFire Performance form to contact us. I'm assuming that you read this on the site: https://www.xfireperformance.com/shop/torte-uga This pretty much explains as an overview of the HAM Interface board. These boards are the latest version for 2020. The only thing that was removed from the new version boards was the components to operate the 82 corvette flapper valve under wide open throttle in the hood. The circuit is still there, just no components. The reason it was removed is, most people remove that valve and run a cold air system all the time and I also do that on my 82. We recommend that you purchase the newer ECM from the following company and this explains things a bit more.. https://dynamicefi.com/EBL_Flash.php Dynamic EFI is a great company and exclusively does all our installs. So you purchase a HAM board from me, I send it to Dynamic EFI and then you contact them to purchase the ECM and do the install of everything. Once done he will send you a completed ECM ready to plug into your stock ECM harness when the time comes or needed. There is NO cutting or splicing of any wires to the stock harness with our board installed.
Please keep in mind that this newer ECM, it will allow you to connect a laptop computer to your 82 corvette and laptop tune it manually, do data logging and make any adjustment that you want to. You will also need a tune editor which is free from TunerPro RT and can be downloaded here... https://www.tunerpro.net/ I use TunerPro for my 82 as well. What the newer ECM DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU CAN NOT JUST PLUG THE ECM IN, HIT THE KEY AND START IT UP JUST YOU WITH A STOCK 82 ECM. There is another piece of software from Dynamic EFI called "What's Up" that allows you to data log your engine tune and system. This whole system takes a little thought to do it correctly and has a somewhat steep learning curve, but not hugely difficult. If you know someone their in Germany that can laptop tune an engine, you are good to go, a chassis dyno would be ideal.
I do not ship to Germany anymore since we have been ripped off (cheated) by several Germans on orders. However, how many HAM boards were you thinking of purchasing? I can cut you a deal which would depend on how many you want, I have plenty in stock at the moment. I would ship them all to Dynamic EFI and save you some extra shipping and whatever is not used by Dynamic EFI, he would just send the rest to you when he ships your ECM. I hope all this makes sense to you and thanks again for your interest in XFire Performance products.
Thank you for using the XFire Performance form to contact us. I'm assuming that you read this on the site: https://www.xfireperformance.com/shop/torte-uga This pretty much explains as an overview of the HAM Interface board. These boards are the latest version for 2020. The only thing that was removed from the new version boards was the components to operate the 82 corvette flapper valve under wide open throttle in the hood. The circuit is still there, just no components. The reason it was removed is, most people remove that valve and run a cold air system all the time and I also do that on my 82. We recommend that you purchase the newer ECM from the following company and this explains things a bit more.. https://dynamicefi.com/EBL_Flash.php Dynamic EFI is a great company and exclusively does all our installs. So you purchase a HAM board from me, I send it to Dynamic EFI and then you contact them to purchase the ECM and do the install of everything. Once done he will send you a completed ECM ready to plug into your stock ECM harness when the time comes or needed. There is NO cutting or splicing of any wires to the stock harness with our board installed.
Please keep in mind that this newer ECM, it will allow you to connect a laptop computer to your 82 corvette and laptop tune it manually, do data logging and make any adjustment that you want to. You will also need a tune editor which is free from TunerPro RT and can be downloaded here... https://www.tunerpro.net/ I use TunerPro for my 82 as well. What the newer ECM DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU CAN NOT JUST PLUG THE ECM IN, HIT THE KEY AND START IT UP JUST YOU WITH A STOCK 82 ECM. There is another piece of software from Dynamic EFI called "What's Up" that allows you to data log your engine tune and system. This whole system takes a little thought to do it correctly and has a somewhat steep learning curve, but not hugely difficult. If you know someone their in Germany that can laptop tune an engine, you are good to go, a chassis dyno would be ideal.
I do not ship to Germany anymore since we have been ripped off (cheated) by several Germans on orders. However, how many HAM boards were you thinking of purchasing? I can cut you a deal which would depend on how many you want, I have plenty in stock at the moment. I would ship them all to Dynamic EFI and save you some extra shipping and whatever is not used by Dynamic EFI, he would just send the rest to you when he ships your ECM. I hope all this makes sense to you and thanks again for your interest in XFire Performance products.
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