Die Klappe hat den Zweck, dass bei Vollgas die Luft direkt von Vorne angesaugt werden kann, statt seitlich in der Nähe des Krümmers. Das wird über ein Relais durch die ECM gesteuert. Das Teil ist serienmäßíg bei jeder 82er verbaut.
Auf dem Bild sieht man die Klappe links vor dem Lüfter. Wenn geöffnet strömt die Luft von vorne durch die Motorhaube über das große Loch direkt in den Luftfilterkasten.
The 1982 L83 had the added benefit of cold air induction – a solenoid activated flap opened up on the underside of the front of the hood which allowed cool air (from just in front of the radiator) to be diverted to the middle of the top of the Cross-Fire air filter assembly. There was a rubber seal on the underside of the hood which when closed sealed the air cleaner assembly to the hood to ensure that no cool air escaped. The flap opened as wide-open throttle was approached providing not only cool air but a nice roaring moan that reminded occupants of the original muscle car era.
Auf dem Bild sieht man die Klappe links vor dem Lüfter. Wenn geöffnet strömt die Luft von vorne durch die Motorhaube über das große Loch direkt in den Luftfilterkasten.
The 1982 L83 had the added benefit of cold air induction – a solenoid activated flap opened up on the underside of the front of the hood which allowed cool air (from just in front of the radiator) to be diverted to the middle of the top of the Cross-Fire air filter assembly. There was a rubber seal on the underside of the hood which when closed sealed the air cleaner assembly to the hood to ensure that no cool air escaped. The flap opened as wide-open throttle was approached providing not only cool air but a nice roaring moan that reminded occupants of the original muscle car era.
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