28.04.2013, 11:47
...nächster Termin für André Boer Corvette-Museumsbesuch und Veranstaltung

11 mei 2013: Flight 2013 https://www.ncrs.nl/index.php?job=calendar
11 May 2013: Flight 2013
Our yearly Corvette Flight takes place at Autobedrijf André Boer in Wezep. Corvettes are judged on condition and oroiginality. This is the moment to see what conservation of Corvettes actually meens. And remember: this is all strickly for enjoying Corvettes! In pairs we judge the Corvettes. Knowledge is not reqiured to join; enthousiasm is. For the owners of the judged cars the Corvette Flight means etrnal honour and maybe a list with soms changes for the better.
The organisation of the event is in hands of Chief Judge Rob Musquetier. And being at Autobedrijf André Boer in Wezep, take your chance to visit the Dutch Corvette Museum, with Corvettes from 1953 till today.
Join this event by filling the subscription form for this event.
More information about this event can be requested via Rob Musquetier.
Wir sind 100% dabei, da 15km weiter gerade im Urlaub

Hier ein paar Bilder vom 27.4. ohne mich

11 mei 2013: Flight 2013 https://www.ncrs.nl/index.php?job=calendar
11 May 2013: Flight 2013
Our yearly Corvette Flight takes place at Autobedrijf André Boer in Wezep. Corvettes are judged on condition and oroiginality. This is the moment to see what conservation of Corvettes actually meens. And remember: this is all strickly for enjoying Corvettes! In pairs we judge the Corvettes. Knowledge is not reqiured to join; enthousiasm is. For the owners of the judged cars the Corvette Flight means etrnal honour and maybe a list with soms changes for the better.
The organisation of the event is in hands of Chief Judge Rob Musquetier. And being at Autobedrijf André Boer in Wezep, take your chance to visit the Dutch Corvette Museum, with Corvettes from 1953 till today.
Join this event by filling the subscription form for this event.
More information about this event can be requested via Rob Musquetier.
Wir sind 100% dabei, da 15km weiter gerade im Urlaub

Hier ein paar Bilder vom 27.4. ohne mich

"A" schreibt, "B" versteht...
In bleibender Erinnerung an unseren lieben Freund Ritzelralle †12.11.2012.
In bleibender Erinnerung an unseren lieben Freund Ritzelralle †12.11.2012.