Finnish Corvette Meet 2015 12.-14.6.2015
Hello all,

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are putting together another great weekend with friends to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of our small web forum

The event will be held in a small town called Siuntio which is about 80kms west from Helsinki. On the friday we have our welcome toast, a movie premier (documentary about the Finnish Corvette scene called Sharks - Below the surface) and to finish the night of we have a Pool Party with Baja Beach Special dinner.

Saturday starts with a breakfast at the hotel and will start a cruise around noon to some of the nicest sceneries in Finland and have lunch along the way, also in pretty spectacular place. We should be back at the hotel late afternoon and there we can take full benefits of the hotels spa offerings and we have few Corvette related workshops before we will start our Gala Dinner and celebrate this great hobby amongst friends.

Sunday will also start early in the hotel with hefty breakfast before lining up the cars to leave for the biggest Concourse d'Elegance event in Finland, which gathers together some of the finest automobiles here in Finland. This will take place in our former capital, Turku not too far away from Siuntio.

This is just a brief overview of things to come and those that might be interested in joining us will get much more detailed information from me via email groovyjay (at)

If you think you are crazy enough to come to Finland you might also be interested to hear that there's a nice convoy of Corvettes leaving from Finland on the 4th of June to attent the Norwegian Corvette Meet which will be held on the weekend before our. This will be another one for the books and to finish the action packed week off, I'd suggest you guys to join us on a tour through the Finnish archipelago on our way back from Norway. If anybody feels adventurous enough to take part in all this, let me know and I'm sure we will do everything in our power to make you feel welcome.

Sorry for the novel!

Hi "groovyjay " !

I'm thinking about your celebration of the 10th anniversary of the
webforum finnshark.
Several times I stood in finland for holidays. Your country is overwhelming.
I'm an owner of an 2008 C6(LS 2) and would like to meet you and other
Corvette Members in 2015(12-14.06.)
It would be very kind of you to give me some special information about the hotel
and other things I should pay attention.

So Long, thank you,
Michael Hallo-gruen
Niemals sollst Du so tief sinken,
von dem Kakao , durch den man Dich zieht ,
auch noch zu trinken !
Thanks Micheal for your interest, I will post more information and details about our and the Norwegian event during the Christmas holidays. Looks like we are going to have at least few Corvettes from Germany joining us, also few cars from the UK club, so it'll be an international event!

Stay tuned for more information. I also strongly suggest that you'll take part at least in the archipelago tour, it's absolutely breathtaking stuff.

A warm welcome in the german community.
It would be great to experience corvette in finland!

Looking forward to more details!

Yeeah! Yeeah! Yeeah!
Liebe Grüße von Markstingray
Das wär'n Gedanke. Mit Fähre hin und zurück. Also zwei kleine Seereisen dazu. Entspannt ankommen, entspannt zurückkommen.

Ich überleg's mir.
Axel Pfeiffer
Hallo Axel,

hast du die noch zu fahrenden Strecken schon mal ausgerechnet?

mfg Karsten

Dear Axel , have you still to be traveled routes ever calculated ? best regarts, Karsten
Zitat:Original von Axel Pfeiffer
Das wär'n Gedanke. Mit Fähre hin und zurück. Also zwei kleine Seereisen dazu. Entspannt ankommen, entspannt zurückkommen.

Ich überleg's mir.

That's exactly right! We have used ferries from Travemunde to Helsinki many times. If there's more of you guys coming and would be willing to use the Finnlines ferries, I might be able to help you out with a discount. There's a guy in our club with the worlds fastest C2 and he works for Finnlines has helped us to get good discounts every time.

Hello Jani , until your meeting is a long way off , let's see if it is possible to come. We will however can use this travel only a short time before. It Währe certainly very interesting! soon Karsten
Zitat:Original von K1111d
Hello Jani , until your meeting is a long way off , let's see if it is possible to come. We will however can use this travel only a short time before. It Währe certainly very interesting! soon Karsten

Hi Karsten!

It would be so nice to have you guys join our event, I'm sure you would like the experience as well! I'll post more information about all the happenings during my Christmas holidays.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Hey Jani,

I think Finland is worth a visit, until then you all the best and
Merry Christmas

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