Z06 summer meeting ?
Hat noch jemand hier diese pn bekommen?

Z06 summer meeting


At first i have to say your Corvette looks very nice !
I have to ask you something. This year and in 2010 we organised the Z06 summer meeting. the first year there where 7 Z06's, 1 victory edition, 1 ZR1 and a c6 convertible that was changed into a Z06. This year there where some problems with the corvette owners, some of them had family problems and problems like that. So there where less corvette's than the year before, but it was still a nice day with 4 Z06's and 1 C5 convertible.

Next year we will bring this event to a higher level, this year there was a man from Belgium, and he will bring next year some friends with him, with corvette's Z06. In Holland the heartbeat corvette-club will help us to invite some people.

So my question was if you maybe like this event and maybe you will come next year to our event ?
It will be very nice to have your Z06 at our event.

At my facebook page you can find photo's of this event. ( 2010 and 2011 ) https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100001693993336&sk=photos
and here you can find some photo's of 2010 : https://www.autogespot.com/nl/item/9597/...ettes.html

Greetings Teun Hoogendoorn.

Z06 summer meeting organisation

Schöne Grüße,


Hat wer schon eine Idee für D (HHR, NS) Frage Frage Frage

Grüsse, Milti Hallo-gruen

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