Do It Yourself - How To Wash and Maintain Your Corvette's Paint (Waschen und Pflegen Corvette)
(I wanted to post this here in the hopes that I'll pickup some more pointers that I can add to my routine. If you're a detail junkie, feel free to blast away. We all learn from one another so all critiques are welcome. :thumbsup: )

The title says it all, there's not much reading to this. I did a video of how I wash and wax my car for folks who are looking for some kind of direction. This is by no means a bible to how it should be done as that would be very disrespectful to those who are actually in this business and other who know a hell of a lot more about this than I ever will. It is however what I do for now and I will probably change up my procedure as more experienced minds chime in with what they feel is an improvement in my technique. If you actually watch these from You Tube's website, you can choose to watch the higher quality video which will come in handy when viewing the waxing sections.

[COLOR="White"]One important point that I should make is that I had already prepped the car months ago by claybarring it. What you will see here is basically the ritual that I use to keep the paint in excellent condition.[/COLOR]

Proper preparation is the secret to achieving the results that you will see. You cannot achieve these results without doing so first.

[Bild: washwax2.jpg]

Part 1: The Wash & Dry

Part 2: Swirl & Scratch Removal

Part 3: Swirl & Scratch Removal Pt. II, and the Start of the Polishing Process

Part 4: The Polishing Process Pt. II

So, break out your popcorn and kick up your slippers, the Junkman is now appearing on a screen near you! This will cost you about 40 minutes of your life.

Großes Grinsen
"The Germans call us devil dogs (Teufelshunde), our title is Marines."

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